Cystitis and UTIs are very commonly occurring diseases these days. They involve the same system i.e. urinary system. Read on to find out the signs, treatment options and precautionary measures to prevent these infections.
Causes of UTI and Cystitis
Urinary Tract Infections are caused by bacteria known as Escherichia Coli. The following conditions favour the growth of this organism:
- Improper hygiene after defecation
- Having unsafe sex
- Using tampons and not changing them often
- Using diaphragms for contraception
- Not emptying the bladder completely
- Having frequent and vigorous sex
What are the symptoms of these infections?
You will experience the following set of symptoms if you have these infections:
- Burning feeling during urination
- Increase in urge and frequency to urinate
- Pressure in the lower back
- Pain in the abdomen
- Cloudy, bloody or peculiar smelling urine
- Fatigue
- Chills or Fever
You can find out more about the symptoms of Cystitis and UTIs here.
What are the treatment options available?
Many of the UTIs clear up on their own but it is important to seek medical treatment if your symptoms last for more than five days or if you cannot tolerate the discomfort presented by the symptoms.
It is even more important to seek medical attention if you have a fever, are pregnant, or have diabetes.
Your doctor will ask for a urine test that will help determine the nature of the infection. You will be prescribed antibiotics for the infection along with Paracetamol to cure the fever and pain. You may also be asked to get an Intravenous Urogram to check your urinary tract.
Another treatment option is that of cystoscopy which illustrates the internal condition of the bladder in great detail, although this is only necessary in complicated cases.
Your doctor will ask you to increase your fluid intake which will help relieve the symptoms of fatigue and dehydration.
For women who cannot take antibiotics, Methenamine hippurate is an excellent alternative that prevents the bacteria from affecting the urinary system.
Severe cases of UTI require hospitalization. If you see that you are affected by recurrent episodes of UTI, consult an urologist to get a special treatment plan which will decrease your vulnerability to UTIs.
What are the preventive measures for UTI and Cystitis?
The following measures can help you lower your chances of contracting UTI or cystitis:
- Take a single dose of antibiotic after sex
- Take low doses of antibiotics to prevent recurrent infections
- Empty bladder completely every time you need to go
- Try to avoid constipation
- Ensure proper hygiene after you use the lavatory
- Drink a lot of water
- Opt for showers instead of bathing
- Do not use feminine scented bath products
- Clean your genitals prior to having sex
- Keep changing your contraceptive methods
- Wear cotton underwear and loose clothing
- Drinking cranberry juice is effective to prevent UTIs
Using proper hygiene pre and post-sex.
If you require treatment for cystitis or a urinary tract infection, we recommend that you see your GP. If this is not possible then there are regulated internet clinics that can help. This website has a good reputation in TrustPilot so this is the one we would recommend –